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Year 4



What an exciting first week back we have had! Feeling refreshed over the break, we have jumped straight into our new topics. Learning about the Digestive System, we learnt about the different organs and their responsibilities. Did you know the small intestines can stretch to around 8 metres? Beginning our Anglo-Saxon topic, we used sources and artefacts to make inferences about how they lived, what they did and what life was like. We know that they were religious due to the churches and stained-glass windows and we know that they fought in wars due to the helmets found! We are excited to learn more and to attend our trip. In DT, we are to design and create a pavilion, which is a light, flexible permanent structure so we have been using toothpicks and blu tack to build a structure, focusing on strength and stability. 

Year 4 have had yet another exciting term!


We made circuits in Science to investigate switches and buzzers – it got very noisy!


This highlight of this half term was our Spanish Enrichment Day, which we all loved, and immersed into the new culture. I think the best part of the day for most was trying the Spanish food!


We have worked hard in English, writing new chapters of Edward Tulane and responding with a complaint that Mrs Viner cancelled Christmas! Luckily, we were able to partake in the different activities. 



On Wednesday, Year 4 visited the Tower of London. In out topic this half-term, we have learnt all about who built the tower and how its uses have changed over time – from a fortress, a prison, a zoo and now a tourist attraction. We saw the Crown Jewels, which were pretty, and went inside the White Tower to look at the armour of the different Kings throughout history. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures of the Crown Jewels. The Bloody Tower showed us all the different torture devices used on prisoners (good job they are not used still today!). Overall, it was a really fun day out!



In Year 4, the students have been working hard and started planning for a persuasive letter to the Headteacher in about what they think should be allowed in their packed lunches. They were excited to discuss their ideas and started writing their reply.

In Year 4 we have been designing and constructing prototypes for a pavilion to commemorate the King's coronation. We used wooden sticks and jelly sweets to construct our designs. In our next lesson we will be creating a detailed blueprint design before constructing our pavilion.  


Please find a copy of the parent information session notes from September 2022 below

MIRODO Parent Handbook

Year 4 Remote Learning Timetable 2021/22
