Nursery have had yet another fantastic term. We have enjoyed lots of seaside themed stories and have been creative in class making our snails and learning to draw and paint ladybirds. We've continued to practice recognising letters and the sounds that they make and some of us are beginning to use them in our own writing which is brilliant to see! We have had lots of fun learning new Makaton signs each week and we are getting better at remembering to use them in class. Some of the children have been enjoying weekly visits to the Reception classes as part of their transition before they move to Reception in September; although we will miss them, they are now ready for their next learning adventures, and we wish them lots of luck! We've also been getting ready to welcome new friends that will be starting with us in September, some children came to visit us in the Nursery and we were so impressed with how everyone made them feel welcome! It's been a wonderful year from start to finish. Have a fantastic Summer and we're looking forward to greeting new challenges in September!
The children in Nursery have been having a great time learning about 'Growing and Changing' which is this term's topic. We have been listening to the story of the 'Hungry Caterpillar' and learning all about the lifecycle of a butterfly; we even learnt a caterpillar song with actions and used instruments to accompany it. In class, we have been lucky to have tadpoles which we are going to observe as they slowly change into frogs; we will look forward to releasing them into the school's pond. We also have mealworms which we are waiting to change into beetles. It's all very exciting! We have been planting and growing cress seeds in class and have now got some lovely hanging pots in our outdoor area which should look very colourful when the bulbs and seeds start to grow.
The children in Nursery have been having a great time learning about 'Growing and Changing' which is this term's topic. We have been listening to the story of the 'Hungry Caterpillar' and learning all about the lifecycle of a butterfly; we even learnt a caterpillar song with actions and used instruments to accompany it. In class, we have been lucky to have tadpoles which we are going to observe as they slowly change into frogs; we will look forward to releasing them into the school's pond. We also have mealworms which we are waiting to change into beetles. It's all very exciting! We have been planting and growing cress seeds in class and have now got some lovely hanging pots in our outdoor area which should look very colourful when the bulbs and seeds start to grow.
It was amazing to see all of the children dressed up to celebrate World Book Day.
We have welcomed new starters this term and it is great to see how they are settling in with the support and encouragement from all of our children in class; what great friends and role models you all are! This term we have been enjoying our new topic, “Once upon a time...” and the children have been joining in with the repeated refrains of the stories that we have shared. We have been comparing different versions of the ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ story and identifying similarities between other stories that we have read such as ‘The Gingerbread man’ and ‘The Big pancake’. We have been clapping along and using instruments to accompany songs and music further developing our phonological awareness by identifying syllables in words. We made houses from different materials and continued to practise our counting skills and develop our number recognition.
December - It has been a very exciting and busy, yet wonderful half term in our Nursery. There have been so many opportunities for developing our creative and fine motor skills with all the amazing things that we have made to take home and share. It has been fantastic to see the children all trying hard to remember to try and label their pictures, drawings and creations with some of the letters in their names. It really does help when we give things out at the end of the day and it is lovely to see more and more children attempting to do this; well done! We have continued to add to our growing repertoire of songs and rhymes that we have learnt which is fantastic for developing our Communication and language skills; this was most recently evident in the Nursery’s Christmas Production. I am sure that you will agree that the children did amazingly well! We have continued to enjoy making use of the outdoor area (despite the ever-changing weather) and have even had children learn to ride the 2-wheeled bike, which shows just how determined and resilient we can be in the Nursery! After such a fantastic start to the academic year, I can hardly wait to see what the New Year will bring! Mrs Lowe
We have had a very busy few weeks in Nursery! The children have started learning songs for their nativity which they will be performing on the 15th December so don't forget to save the date! It has been a mammoth challenge and they really have impressed us with their singing; they have had to learn eight new songs which is no mean feat when you are only 3 or 4 years old. We have had great fun learning about and recognising different shapes. We learn best when we are playing and having fun so as you can see we got involved in making our own shapes which you can look forward to receiving in a few weeks time as we turn them into something special for you to keep. We continue to learn and practise new sounds and new words at every opportunity and make links with our learning; even making our t t t t triangles, t t t t transparent. some of the children even noticed squares on our transparent triangles.
The children in Nursery have been learning about 'People that help us' and what to do in an emergency; we even learnt a rhyme to remember the numbers to call, "In an emergency what shall we do? Dial 999 or 112". We have had lots of fun in the role play area both indoors and outdoors, cooking delicious autumnal treats, looking for sharks on our new pirate ship that was kindly donated and pretending to be doctors. We made a start on our class montage which is part of an ongoing whole school project, it really shows what we get up to in Nursery! We have been learning lots of new songs and have been adding to our growing list of letters that we now recognise. As you can see by the pictures, we have been having a great and very creative time!
We have had a great start to the year welcoming our new children that have started Nursery. They have all settled well and have been busy investigating their new provision (indoors and outdoors). We have been learning our new school routines and enjoying lots of songs too! The children have been starting to make new friends and they love sharing the end of the session with 'Mr Monkey' . I am sure that they have told you all about him! We are very excited for all the new things we will be doing and learning about in the year ahead! Mrs Lowe