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Uniform Information

We at Aveley Primary, including our governors, feel that wearing school uniform promotes positive attitudes and good standards thus creates a suitable image in the eyes of the community.  All children are expected to wear school uniform.  The uniform is navy blue, grey and white.


Our chosen supplier of Aveley Primary School uniform will be My Clothing.

My Clothing can be contacted at 



  • Grey skirt, pinafore/trousers
  • *Navy jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt (available with school logo)
  • *White blouse/polo top
  • Blue gingham (checked) dress in summer
  • White or grey socks or tights
  • *Navy School Logo Fleece
  • Black shoes



  • Grey trousers (Grey shorts in the summer)
  • *Navy jumper or sweatshirt (available with school logo)
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Grey or black socks
  • *Navy School Logo Fleece
  • Black shoes



PE Uniform:

P.E. clothing is a white t-shirt and black shorts.

For outdoors: black, navy or grey jogging bottoms/sweatshirt/tracksuit (not patterned) and black trainers.



Children may wear a watch to school.  In the interests of safety, only small stud or sleeper earrings are acceptable for children with pierced ears.  During P.E. lessons we expect your child to remove studs, or cover with medical tape.  This is the requirement laid down by the Education Authority.  No other jewellery is allowed.


Please Note:-

  • Extreme haircuts such as having shaved patterns or completely being shaved sides are not permitted.
  • Long hair must be tied back with a simple hair band.
  • Make-up, including nail varnish, is not permitted.


Children should not be wearing trainers, hoodies, blazers, boots or flip flops in school. Children may wear boots such as wellingtons and then change as they enter school in severe weather. Children may change into trainers for break times but must have shoes for lesson times.

