Year 1
Welcome to 1EW
Welcome to 1EW part 2
As part of the DT topic 'fruit smoothies', the children tasted different fruits so they could choose their favourite fruits for a smoothie. The children used a butter knife to cut and prepare the different fruit. The children then tasted their smoothie. Their favourite was banana and strawberry. In maths, the children explore height and we looked at the height of the children in our class. The children put themselves in height order rand then drew around each other . Afterwards, the children measured each other, the shortest child in the class is 110 cm tall and the tallest child is 132cm tall.
Summer 2 - In DT, we have been exploring different fruits and vegetables, by sorting them into the groups, finding out where they grow, what part of the plant they come from and finally we got to taste them. In science, we have been looking and plants and trees, we wrote about a plant life cycle and went on a tree hunt around the school to see what species of trees are growing on the school grounds. We identified the trees by looking at the leaves and using our key to work out which tree it was.
In art, we have explored the artist 'Andy Goldsworthy', who made sculptures out of everyday materials. We created our own sculptures out of natural materials, can you guess what they are? In science, we have planted runner beans, we have watched them grow each day and recorded what we have noticed each week in our bean diary. Some of our plants are now taller than us!
It was amazing to see all of the children dressed up to celebrate World Book Day. A big well done to Orien - 1Li's winner.
On Tuesday, Year One went to St Michael's church. Rev Tara spoke to us about the history of the church, we found out the church is over 900 years old. We enjoyed looking around the church and noticed lots of interesting things. A big thank you to Rev Tara for welcoming us into the church.
December - In maths we have be exploring the topic 'measuring'. We measured different objects using multilink and rulers, to see which objects were the shortest or longest. Afterwards we explored mass and weighted different objects using multilink. We found out that the lightest object was a rubber. This half term we had special guests visit our classrooms, they caused lots of mess and excitement! The children wrote diaries each day to explain what the cheeky elf had been up to that night. The children really enjoyed their special visitor and some were disappointed when the elf went back the North Pole.
The children have enjoyed their geography topic about France. In English the children have written a non- fiction report, writing about famous landmarks, food and the climate. The children were fascinated to learn that it would take one hundred days to view all the paintings in the Louvre and that the Eiffel Tower is repainted every seven years. During our French Day the children enjoyed tasting common French food, and they were definitely delighted that snails were not on our menu!
In art, the children have been mixing the primary colours to explore making different shades of secondary colours. They then used this technique to create their final art piece.
In art, the children have been exploring using different tools to make marks. The children were challenged to find different ways of mark marking with the tools. The children took their time and produced interesting art work. In the next few weeks, the children will be investigating mixing primary colours and seeing how many different shades of green, purple and orange they can make.
In the last few weeks, the children have been exploring the story 'The Magic Porridge Pot' and as apart of their writing lessons, wrote their own version of the story. In maths, the children have been looking money and using the different coins to buy items with. The children have continued exploring the different senses. For the sense of smell, the children used their noses to smell different pots. Their favourite smells were shower gel and toothpaste. Most children did not like the smell or vinegar or onions. The children are looking forward to the next science topic, which is all about animals and are especially looking forward to visiting Colchester Zoo.
Year 1 Parent Meeting 20.9.23
In Year One, the children have been exploring the story 'Handa's Surprise'. As part of our English lesson we tasted different fruit and wrote down different adjectives to describe what they looked like and how they tasted. In science, we have been exploring the five senses. We have been on a sight and listening walk around the school. In the following weeks we will exploring taste, touch and smell. In history we are looking at our homes and homes in the past. We learnt that during the Victorian times, homes did not have any bathrooms and they often went outside to use the outhouse.
In DT, we prepared fruit for fruit smoothies. We washed, cut, peeled and chopped the fruit into smaller pieces.
Our favorite smoothie was banana and strawberry.
For our outdoor Maths lesson, we looked at measuring different objects in the playground, we recorded our results, by drawing the object and writing down how many cm it is.
This half term in PE, we have been working with Madi (a sport coach from West Ham Foundation).
We have learnt and practised different skills such as throwing and catching, and working as part of a team.
The new games she has taught us have been fun to play.
For art this term, Y1 have been exploring the artist, Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy uses natural materials to make sculptures and pieces of art. We then used his techniques to make our own sculptures using natural materials. Can you guess what our sculptures are based on?